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Re: a4

	1.8T is not the real performer,wait for the S4 (performace 
version of A4).
	For the 1.8T A! Avantgarde modified it to 211 h.p.
	for trading,I beleive that the new one should be better than the 
old one.
	For me ,I examine the 1.8 at showroom and found that interior
material is some kind of plasticky (like VW than Audi) especialy on the
console. Automatic gearbox notch is not Mercedes style anymore.

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Bob D'Amato wrote:

> Im really bummed. I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the A4 18.Turbo 
> 20V (1996 I beleive), but then I read a review on this car in last months 
> (?) Classic and sports car... and it got blasted...under powered, lousy 
> suspension, mediocre handling... Is this true?  I was thinking of trading 
> in my 20V, but...!
> Bob
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