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Re[2]: fuel consumption

Received: by ccmail from wingra.adp.wisc.edu 
(Andrew Duane <duane@zk3.dec.com> said:)
> . . . my '89 100Q get about the same 10 L/Km (25 mpg) out of >our cars. We 
both drive fairly spirited, and have been using the >A/C a lot these days.
I'm surprised at that.  In my '89 100Q I get an average of 21 mpg on mostly 
highway driving, or about 20 mpg using A/C.  By the way, all the official 
ratings I've seen put it around that number.  Are you sure about the 25 mpg?
Doran Howitt 
IDD Information Services
Livingston, NJ USA
     My '87 5K CST averages 25.5 mpg highway @ 65 - 70 mph cruising, and 
     about 24.5 mpg commuting, about half of which is 50-55 mph, rest in 
     town (65 miles round trip). Air is on some of the time in each case, 
     doesn't seem to make a big difference to mileage. Its dead stock, and 
     runs on some less than stellar Firestone tires (on when I got it) that 
     I can't afford to replace yet.
     Jerry Fields