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Reply: mileage, '87 5K CST
>>Jerry Fields writes:
>>My '87 5K CST averages 25.5 mpg highway @ 65 - 70 mph cruising, and
>>about 24.5 mpg commuting, about half of which is 50-55 mph, rest in
>>town (65 miles round trip). Air is on some of the time in each case,
>>doesn't seem to make a big difference to mileage. Its dead stock,
>>and runs on some less than stellar Firestone tires (on when I got
>>it) that I can't afford to replace yet.
>My '87 5K CST gets about 17mpg on a good week. Exclusively in-town
>commuting. Much better on the infrequent road trips.
>This is with pretty conservative driving intented to maximize mpg.
>Should >I expect better? Where should I look for improvement?
>Ted Blank
I can't help you much...as you may know from my previous posts, I am
new to Audi cars (the '87 is my first one) and have had it only about
3 months now. Mileage is what I've always averaged...drops to about 23
with more aggressive driving. (occasional, short, 100mph straights and
lots of acceleration out of corners.) Should have mentioned it has the
automatic; don't know what difference to expect with a standard, but
always thought the auto mileage would be less.
Car is used as a commuter when weather is to bad for me to ride my
motorcycle and as the family car. Longer trips usually include 2
adults, 2 kids and some gear in the trunk. From the responses I've
read here, 17 mpg seems on the low side, but I don't have the
expertise to advise you on where to look to improve it. As I said, to
my knowledge, my '87 (106K miles) is factory stock, right dowm to
wheel size and rims. I run 92 octane gas, and use the cruise control
Anyone else have some suggestions?
Jerry Fields