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Re: Three cheers for the Listmeister

Thanks again.

First, an update on the car.  I ordered 10 lifters from PAP at $8.50 
each, and as you may have read, got stuck halfway through because
I had failed to remove the timing belt from the cam sprocket.
I called Chris Smith in Ohio looking for advice since my mechanic was
away, and yes, the secret to removing the tb cover bolt is a ground 
down 6mm hex key.  However, I didn't feel competent enough to attempt
tb removal, and also, I already had the cam partially lifted out of
the motor.  Chris felt that I would dislodge the oil seal at the tb
end, but it looked fine, so my solution was to replace lifters for
cyls 2-5, leaving the 2 I couldn't get to.  This was fine since 
I knew that the noise was coming from the back of the engine
somewhere.  I got it all back together, and THE NOISE IS GONE.
Not even a hint of a clatter at startup.  If it wasn't for the tach,
I would have no idea the engine is running from inside the car.

But there was a problem.  Somewhere around the engine I had dropped a
screwdriver bit, which I couldn't fine.  My theory is that it got 
lodged somewhere down there, and at speed came flying off, shearing
the alternator belt off.  I knew something was up when all my dash
lights came on, but I wasn't sure what.  The next morning I discovered
the missing belt, and got a new one and replaced it. 
Alternator belt is very easy to replace on the 90...once you've 
removed the front bumper cover and grille :|.  Ah, it wasn't that

So the car is alive and well, sounds and runs like new.
I'm placing an ad in the paper for it this week, so I can move
on to a quattro at some point in the near future.  If anyone
is interested in a 1988 90 5sp, leather, 99k, let me know soon.
I'm trying to get around $6-7 for it.

More to come on Lime Rock soon...

| Dan |
Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS CO+RE Systems, Inc.		  http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)