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RE: fuel consumption
Jerry Fields writes:
My '87 5K CST averages 25.5 mpg highway @ 65 - 70 mph cruising, and
about 24.5 mpg commuting, about half of which is 50-55 mph, rest in
town (65 miles round trip). Air is on some of the time in each case,
doesn't seem to make a big difference to mileage. Its dead stock, and
runs on some less than stellar Firestone tires (on when I got it) that
I can't afford to replace yet.
My '87 5K CST gets about 17mpg on a good week. Exclusively in-town
commuting. Much better on the infrequent road trips.
This is with pretty conservative driving intented to maximize mpg. Should
I expect better? Where should I look for improvement?
Ted Blank