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Re: Accel. pedal fell off
Hairy green toads from Mars made dhowitt@iddis.com say:
>> This should be an easy one. Car is 1989 100Q. The accelerator pedal fell off.
>> Just the plastic top pad that pivots and faces your shoe. Underneath is the
>> real mechanism with spring attached and that is fine, I just step on that
>> directly. But it's not clear how to reattach the top piece. No provision for
>> screw, clip, or etc. is evident. It just wedges into place and works fine for
>> a little while then falls off again.
>Yours too, huh?
>My '89 100Q's pedal came off last spring. After a couple of attempts
>to get it back on, I gave up. I no longer notice it's missing.
>I think the problem is that there is a little metal springclip that
>holds it on. and it's broken.
>It's a bitch getting in there to look, isn't it?
>Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7) duane@zk3.dec.com
>Digital Equipment Corporation (603)-881-1294
>110 Spit Brook Road http://www.zk3.dec.com/~duane
>M/S ZKO3-3/U14
>Nashua, NH 03062-2698
>Only my cat shares my opinions, and her clip is still on tightly.
Been there, done that ........
My wife's 89 100 Wagon did it a couple of month's ago. It looks like
there is a plastic hinge if you will that basically tore off the base
piece on the metal arm. I tried to get it off the arm. NOT. Then I
tried to get the whole metal arm out so I could see it better. Not.
luckily I have 2 89 100's :-) this makes it easy to see what it should
like :-)
I ended up drilling to very small diameter holes in the side of the pedal
where it pivots on the arm. Didn't drill the base on the arm though.
Then using screws slightly smaller than the hole. Screwed it right into
the base. Having the hole slightly bigger than the screw gives a very
slight resitance on the screw. Works as good as new, probably better
than new..... The screws aren't going to rip and tear over time.
Andrew, seeing as you live so close to me, if you want to check it out
let me know. I'd be glad to show you what I did.