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Where to get a replacement wheel cover?
I'm still not sure how I lost it, but one of the wheel covers (hub cover?)
wound up missing after a log jaunt on a windy freeway in my '85 5kS. I
called a couple of recyclers that I know of, but nobody has these
things. Can anyone put me on to a reasonably priced aftermarket/oem
source for this kind of stuff? Eventually I'll be looking for rear
window actuators, some window trim pieces, and various other things. If
I'm forced to go to the dealer, it'll be kicking and screaming. I'd
really like to have a catalog or two on my desk of this stuff.
If anyone has one to sell, it's for the wheel type that is all (almost)
flat, with a series of ovals all around the outer edge of the rim. The
center cap is about 6 inches in diameter with the offset Audi symbol in
black. Thanks for any help you can lend!
BTW-The part number from one of the remaining 3 is 443 601 165 A.
Todd Ryan || Library Systems || The Univ. of Akron || R1TMR@Dax.CC.UAkron.Edu