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cold start stumble 5000S

Hi guys and gals,

My 87 5000S is begging for more attention.
On starting from cold (a strange word to use considering the weather in the
NE these days) the engine stumbles like mad. Starts and then falls to
100-200 revs and nearly stalls. Picks up to 1300 and then tries to stall

I suspected the cold start injector so I tried to start car with it
unplugged when cold same stumble as before. Hmmm! Did I get it right?

Try to start and then gas the engine but it still stumbles as if throttle
application is doing zilch here.

The question is. Is it
        a: cold start injector failing.
        b: torn intake plenum. (car idles fine once past the cold stumble)
        c: my grumbling fuel pump not giving enough pressure. (will roar
           to redline in 2nd and 3rd gear at WOT)
        d: leaking injectors? Exhaust smells very rich.(nice aroma of gasoline
           when stumbling)
        e: angry Audi god because I had not repaired saggin sunroof.
(thought if
           I left sunroof sagging nothing else will fail.:-)  )

Did I leave anything out?
Thanks for any insight into modern engine management. Should I just
twin/triple Weber the beast! Or is it 5 webers for even distribution.

Ernest Wong