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- To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net (Non Receipt Notification Requested) (IPM Return Requested)
- Subject: Re: HELP!! CALIPERS!!!!
- From: glen.powell@smc.com
- Date: 17 Aug 1995 14:25:20 -0400
- Autoforwarded: FALSE
- Importance: normal
- P1-Content-Type: P2
- P1-Message-Id: US*ATTMAIL*SMCLAN;X400ATT Aug 17 14:25:19 1995
- P1-Recipient: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
- Priority: normal
- Sender: quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net
- Ua-Content-Id: 192514170895
- X400-Trace: US*ATTMAIL*SMCLANarrival 17 Aug 1995 14:25:20 -0400action Relayed
Try Robbins Auto Supply in NH: 800.343.0703.
If the 800 # does not work call info in NH (603)
and ask for Robbins in Concord. I've had great
luck with calipers, discs, MCs, etc.