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Re: Watch out Bart... was Re: SS brake l

Jeff makes a good point that bears wasting additional bandwith to say "me too!"

> > When was the last time you looked at your brake lines to see if the 
> > rubber was soft or abraded.
> Or, for that matter, replaced your brake fluid instead of just bleeding the
> lines?  I may not make my bed every morning -- okay, okay MOST mornings! --
> but I do this once a year on my street cars (I do them all at once and make
> a day of it!) along with flushing/cleaning the cooling system and replacing
> all the hoses and belts (cheap insurance here in the desert and the new old
> ones go in the trunk to serve as emergency spares).  This has been a public
> service message from your friends at Audi-Dudi Racing...

Me Too!  Just did it, in fact.  ('course  I only change coolant on one of my 
cars...no, wait, that 10 qt oil change probably counts as coolant too...)

a message from Yer Kindly (but, sadly, clueless) ol' Unka Bart (who's still 