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Re: 90 20V Chips....hmmmm
> Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 17:45:35 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Bob D'Amato" <Bob.Damato@snetlink.com>
> I would say yes, ***IF*** and only if I can get some hard facts from the
> manufacturer. Over the phone saying "Oh sure, you'll feel the
> difference..." isnt good enough for my hard earned money!! If they can
> supply a data sheet with numbers,and what it actually does, AND a money back
> guarentee, then yes, till then, Im a little too skeptical!
Money back guarentee may be very hard to come by, but I sure like to
see any kind of document or report on the performance of these chips.
BTW, I just installed some new plugs - Bosch F6DSR - silver plugs.
Supposed to be better than the standard F6DTC (3 electro).
First impression - slightly better in take-off, smoother reving
(only took it up to 6,000 rpm), slightly more responsive.
But it's not "day-n-night". The silver plugs are supposed to yield
higher performance and better gas mileage.
Solomon Ngan <sngan@netaccess.on.ca>
'93 100s
'90 90q20v
'84 5ks