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Re: 9020V stumble

> Date:          Mon, 21 Aug 1995 23:33:00 -0400
> From:          ggboyd@waterloo.net
> Subject:       9020V stumble
> To:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net

> My 90Q20V has a stumble every now again. When I come to a
> stop the rpm drops off to nothing then returns to 1000?
> Does the Oxygen sensor deal with this or the idle control?

I suspect it has something to do with the idle control system.  If it 
is the oxygen sensor, you would have a lot more problems and a sharp 
degradation in fuel consumption.
Check you idle rpm, CO mixture.


Solomon Ngan <sngan@netaccess.on.ca>
  '93 100s
  '90 90q20v
  '84 5ks