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Re: OBDC (wasAudi Turbo....going, going,gone)
I realize we live in a time where everything the government does is bad,
awfull, a waste of money, another Waco, etc, etc, but I do think this is
another case with a silver lining.
I remember when I said I'd never own a car made after '69 because of all the
emissions crap, then it was post '74, then post '80, and now I want as new a
car as I can get. Why? Because cars have never been better. They make
major horsepower out of small, great handling packages, are reliable as hell,
more economical than they have right to be, are incredibly safe. I for one
believe it's because of the EPA, NHSTA, and others that this is the case.
The manufacturers would have continued foisting 40's technology on us and
making major $$$$ unless they were forced to change, and I can't see the
American public ever "asking" for any of what we have today. (Yes, a few
would buy such technology for a price, but that wouldn't have coaxed the Big
4 to change anything.)
It's true we pay a $ price for all this, but in return we get cars that go
forever (how many people on this list have 100k+ on cars less than 10 years
old?), that now need tuneups every 100k (instead of every few months), that
get 25-35 MPG carrying 3 or 4 people, and that can be "improved" with a small
computer chip or heavier spring. When things go wrong, it's expensive, but
compare that to the constant maintenance and breakdowns we used to endure.
The OBDC will give the manufacturers another way to monitor the performance
of their engines and optimize them even further. And I have no doubt the
computer hackers will find ways to use them to our advantage and not run
afoul of the authorities.
Once again, that's just my opinion