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Re: Audi Turbo....going, going,gone
At 01:19 PM 8/21/95 -0400, you wrote:
>Andrew Duane USG/PE sez:
>Some poeple have been saying very dark things about this system:
>1) This means the end of illegal performance mods, as the system will detect
>these things easily.
>2) The end of simple emmissions checks, as the system must now perform
>properly at all times (potentially huge repair bills)
>3) The end of DIY repair -- you will need the OBD interface computers
>to diagnose problems, and those units and specs will only be available to
>"official" repair people.
>4) The future potential for roving emmissions patrols, perhaps even using
>OBD with a radio transmitter.
>Scarry stuff, all -- even if the core technical concepts, such as the
>OBD protocol, are real good.
Is someone in washington actively trying to model the EPA
after the IRS or is it just happening by accident
(or perhaps this is what happens when you tell the EPA
you can't regulate cow flatulance)
jim h
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