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Irritating beeping noise (short circut?)
My 90 100Q has developed an irritating beeping noise when I am
driving. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it sucks
immensely. It is the same beeping/chime noise that you get when you leave
your headlights on and open the door, or leave your keys in the ignition
and open the door...It usially starts if I hit a bump, like washboards or
train tracks, but sometimes will start immediatly, and sometimes when I'm
cruising along the highway. Hot or cold, doesn't matter. Sometimes it
will stop after another bump, but not neccesarly. It usially stops if I
leave it (turned off) sitting there for a while.
It only does this when keys are in the ignition, and the door-open
ceiling light never comes on unless you actually open the door. ( So I
don't think the car thinks my door is open all the time ) I have an
aftermarket cd changer that DOESN'T beep when you leave it on, so I don't
think thats it. ( could it be the 'radio on, door open..hmm. I must beep'
wire that worked with the stock radio? )
As much as I love my car, this is REALLY irritating. It's ok on the
highway, because I can usially crack the sunroof, and crank the tunes,
but this is going to destroy my hearing. In town I try not to crank it
this much, and so I hear the beeping. Besides, it's embarrassing
(" say..nice ride.. why does it keep beeping?" "its an Audi and it
doesn't like you").
Thanks for any help you can offer, and thanks for the 200TQ info earlier.
Brooks (beeeng....beeeng....beeeng....beeeng....bee<BLAM> <BLAM> <BLAM>)
(as .45 shells hit the floor...Beeng..beeeng..beeeng.. AUHGHGHG!!)