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Re: ABT-A4
You wrote:
>The German Address for ABT is:
>Daimlerstrasse 2
>D-87437 Kempten, Germany
>Tel:011-49-831-571400, Fax 011-49-831-72666
>Terrific A4 Mods are on the way.
I have had my German agent contact them and he has faxed me a three
page summary in German of course on their upgrades...in effect, they
are offering owners to bring their cars to them for the work... ugrade
to 200hp DM6.2k and to 210 DM7.4K installed...
Perhaps if you fax them they will do the same directly to the US.
I have asked my agent to find out if they will sell the parts for
export..no VAT on these prices so no further deduction for export if
they in fact will sell the bits separately.
kind regards..
Vicarage Jaguar for more information:
UK, Holland http://paradise.net/vicarage tel 305 444 8759
USA e-mail vicarage@ix.netcom.com fax 305 443 6443