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Re: Diff/Tranny Fluid

In a message dated 95-08-25 17:40:45 EDT, quattro@vulcan.gep.ge.com (Vikram
Mittal) writes:

>Does someone have a cross-sectional diagram of the autobox-differential.
>I would like to put an end to all this speculation. I have heard that
>it is not possible for the fluids to mix and the reverse. One mechanic
>told me that there are common seals between the tranny and differential.
>Therefore there is pressure exerted on them from both sides and that is
>what causes the failure. Now I'm not at all sure if this is true or not.

I think if you look at 38.2 and 38.3 of Bentleys ('84 -'88 5000) You will
note that there is a gasket and seperation plate for the transmission; and a
seperate rear cover plate with Pinion oil seals for the Automatic
differential (final drive) In addition there is a "weep" hole in the bottom
of where the components mate. (I would assume it is there to warn a person
that one of the seals has gone bad. I would think the only way possible that
the two fluids could mix is if the weep hole clogged and both seals went bad
allowing what could be coined as "Audi osmosis" of the fluids. Seems highly
unlikely to me.

Before I made a fool of myself posting this, I called an Audi specialist who
has been instrumental in many Audi designs and engineering, and he confirmed
my analysis.

Bottom line, mix or no mix, the engineering is obviously flawed.
