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Re: Rad fan dosen't run after engine off !
OK, which is it? My '82 Coupe's radiator fan is shut off when the ignition
is shut off. Why drain the battery just to cool the radiator? This would
make sense on a turbo if water is still circulated to the turbo. Don't
some turbo models have a special water pump for this? In any case the engine
will just sit and cook because the water pump is not circulating coolant.
>>>I have a problem with my 87 5kcst radiator fan doesn't run after the
>>>engine turn off, even in very high temp, I know there is a thermoswitch where
>>Whoops! Does this mean my 86 5kcs radiator fan is supposed to continue to
>>run even AFTER the ignition is off? Someone please enlighten me.
>>Joel Richardson
>Yes, Joel, the fan should run after the ignition is off if the radiator
>is above a certain temperature, not sure what that is.....
>My (2) 89 100's fans both will run after a drive with the A/C on a real
>hot day.