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1990 Audi Coupe questions (fwd)

thanks all!


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 / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
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bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com  	          |Phone:203.771.7081
						  |Fax:  203.773.3398
The Southern New England Telephone Co.		  |Pager: Yeah, Right...
300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
Information & Technology Center 

Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 1995 22:22:35 -0400
From: stricker <stricker@tiac.net>
To: bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
Subject: 1990 Audi Coupe questions


I have owned several Quattros and have a question regarding my latest
acquisition.  The '90 coupe is geared much differently than my old '83
Quattro Coupe, my '86 5000TQ and my old '90 200TQ wagon.  I am wondering if
anyone has undertaken the task of changing the final gear ratio(s) such that
the vehicle's engine speed is 20 to 30 percent less in 5th gear.  It just
seems that the car doesn't have to rev up to 4000 rpm to go 80.  Anyways,
with all the old 4000 Quattros floating around for a couple of grand it
certainly seems attractive to scoop one up and do a tranny swap. Any
response from the audience?  And if this doesn't work, what about a poor
man's overdrive with the stock wheels?  Will this setup accomodate
215-60-15's (I have a left over set of tires from a previous Quattro) for a
modest reduction of about 5% in engine speed?  As you may deduce, I am not
an acceleration freak.  I like great gas mileage as my previous Audi's have
given me (30-33 MPG at 75MPH).  This one is OK at 27-28, but not great.

Thanks for posting these questions and comments.


Mike Stricker
snail mail:11 King Edward Rd.  West Hartford, CT 06117