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Re: Coupe Quattro 90 air conditioner question.
Bart you stated the following..." all the (remaining) refrigerant *must* be
>pumped out of the system *before* recharging or adding fresh refrigerant.
>Otherwise, OY, you got soch a headache...
>It requires a special piece of equipment to do this pump-down recharge, and it
>requires someone knowledgeable of A/C systems."
Well Mr. Bart, My neighbor has such a piece of equipment at his shop. My
A/C in my 4KCSQ has the same symptons. Just as it would slowly stop
cooling, I can smell a smell not unlike defrosting ice. I believe the
coils are freezing up. Hooked up to the fancy machine , the pressures on
the high side and low side look just fine. We pulled the vacumn on the
system and it held it. We then charged the system with the specified
amount of Freon. Alas..(sigh) the problem persists. I took it back and we
put on the machine to check for leaks (we pulled the freon out to see if
the same amount put in originally was still in the system). The original
amount of freon was still in the system.
Net step.
Capillary tube. Anyone ever replaced one ? How hard is it? My guess is
the system cannot sense the temperature and is not cycling the compressor
thus leading to it iceing up. Any thoughts anyone?
Scot VanAlstine
"from Houston Texas where broken AC de-values a car more than a blown engine"