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Re: Coupe Quattro 90 air conditioner question.

On 13 Sep 1995 glen.powell@smc.com wrote:

>   Total evacuation before recharge is not *always* required
>   to get good operation. I've never done the evacuation
>   (don't have the equipment either) but have had 100%
>   good results on recharging several different Audis.
>   Perhaps the problem may be a bad dryer or excess
>   moisture in the system.

Right Glen, especially from the sounds of the symptoms. If it only is 
cold for a few minutes, there is moisture in the system. What happens is 
that moisture literally freezes solid and freezes up the valves, not 
allowing the freon to 'evaporate' (change state).
One way to cure this is to evacuate it, but thats not what fixed it. 
REmoving the moisture fixed it. New dryers are very important.


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