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Re: Headlights (100w bulbs for 4000s)

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995, Richard gann wrote:

>      Yet another headlight question ! I want to spend aprox $50 to upgrade 
>      my current lights due to there dismal performance and wondered what's 
>      stopping me using 100w bulbs (55w low) I saw at the local parts store 
>      for $16 each. I realize that I'll probably need to run a thicker 
>      cable, relays ect but can the lens enclosure handle the heat?.

Thats what I did on my 4000. It worked out just fine. I beefed up the 
cable, and ran relays. I just used the high beam voltage from the stock 
wire to trigger the field of the relay. Be sure to Run about 10 AWG wire, 
since 100W is about 8AMPS. If doing a home run from hte battery dont 
forget to fuse it.

P.S. It makes a BIG difference. Good luck

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