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Re: Quattro Digest V2 #435

Panasonic radios are available on some '96 Audi models.  I checked with our
director of engineering in NJ who replied that "although Audis may have a
"Panasonic" brand head unit, the aftermarket CD changers sold in retail sound
shops will not be compatible."  
This is part of a conspiracy between the manufacturer and Audi mfg, I
However, I am on top of this situation and know of two shops that specialize
in creating DIN plugs that will convert the OEM head unit signals into
meaningful inputs for Aftermarket CD changers, which I have many to sell. . .
. .

I will keep the net posted.
Until then, read Eddi Jew's comments from Sept. 14.  His summary of RF
modulated CD changers vs. hardwired CD changers, is absolutely correct.  I am
in sales, not engineering,  and I will copy his summary and memorize it for
sales training meetings with  my dealers!
The bottom line is, you can't hear the difference at speed.  

I'm going to install a Panasonic CD changer w/FM modulator in my V8Q.  We
sell about 50% with and 50% without the FM modulator, by the way.
Scott O