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Re: A4 2.8Q

On Sun, 17 Sep 1995, Benjawan Kuecharoenwong wrote:

> 	I've heard that AUDI AG will drive A4 2.8 QUATTRO
> from Alaska to somewhere (very far from Alaska) to break the old record
> (which make by off-road car) .The old record is 23 days and few hours.
> 	They said the new record will be 23 days.
> 		Is it true ? If it true,let's see if they can do that.
> However I think they must modify their cars (at least ,increase ground 
> clearance),if they don't ,A4s may not survive to destination.

For it to be a record, doesnt it have to actually be LONGER than the old 

:)  Bob

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