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Re: Tach for 5 cyl

On Tue, 19 Sep 1995, Richard Funnell wrote:

> There has been a lot of discussion lately about finding a racing tach that
> will work with 5 cyl.  It seems to me that a fairly simple electronic
> circuit could be built to count ignition pulses being input to a 4 cyl
> tach, and squelch every 5th one.  The input from the 5 would then occur at
> the same frequency for a given RPM as the input from a 4.  This would
> produce some jitter into the tach, but my guess is that the tach wouldn't
> mind and the driver wouldn't see it.  The circuit could live in the
> passenger compartment so mil spec components wouldn't be necessary.

Oh hell... making a 5 cyl tach shouldnt be difficult at all. Ill draw one 
up and test it out. will post findings. (if audi can do it, we can do 
it... but better) its just a counter!!

P.s.  Richard, got the article, THANKS! Yours should be out this week...


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