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Heel & Toe on a URQ
> By the way, I found the pedals on my '83 urQ a bit too far apart to heel
> and toe comfortably. I have to lift my foot off the matt and really twist
> to do it reliably. I can't be the only one with small feet. Has anyone
> else found this? I figure I can bend the throttle linkage (ugh!) or add an
> accessory pedal to widen the throttle. Comments?
What?! I can't believe you could possibly say that about the pedals on
the URQ. It is *BY FAR* the easiest car to heel and toe that I've ever
owned. The gas and brake pedals are so close together that I sometimes
have trouble not blipping the brake pedal during heavy acceleration
manuvers. As a matter of fact, when I need to teach first timers how to
heel and toe, I let them try first on the URQ, since it is so easy. Most
have no problem getting the hang of it (on the URQ, at least... most of
the time they have trouble on their cars) in a half hour or so.
Dan Bocek