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Re: IIHS says Audis have poor headrests

  I heard about this report too. My understanding is that the top
  rated cars all have non-adjsutable headrests and that if one
  were to properly adjust the Audi headrest that they would
  likely perform as well. The test assumes that the driver is
  too ignorant/unaware/stupid to properly adjust the head
  restraint and therefore non-adjustable restraints that are
  positioned well get the high ratings. You know, that lowest-
  common-denominator PC crap. Just think, I bet stock belts
  would provide better protection Vs 4 or 5-point race harnesses
  that are not well adjusted. Perhaps all racers should be
  required to retrofit stock belts so that they won't have
  to worry about adjusting them properly.....?

  Ignorance is natural selection alive and well in the '90s,
