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Re: unsubscribe

> On Tue, 26 Sep 1995, Keng Yu Sim wrote:
> > please unsubscrive quattro
> > 
> OH MY GOD!!! 
> Does the please help??? Does majordomo spell check??
> Im losing it...
> twitch..twitch..

The Audi majordomo accepts $5 donations. Try that, Keng Yu Sim. If you 
still cannot get yourself unsubscribed, buy an Audi -- as people say, if 
you can't get rid of them, join them!

------------- clip here with virtual scissors --------------
Looking for roadkills... drop it by honge@creighton.edu...
Origin of duct tape:
  The tape got its name from some lazy contractors who threw
things back and forth when one or the other had need of it.
Thus they have the toss and the yell, "Duck, tape!" as it
flies through the air.