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SS Relay/ Pearl Paint.

Two points of interest..

1) The solid state relays are dual N channel, dual P channel 
complimentary mosfets. (like I orginally posted!!)
They have 2 mil gates, so they are quite durable (these are 20Amps) Low 
trigger current makes then great to feed with small SPST switches running 
28 AWG wire. (not what I did, but it will work)

2) Since Audi doesnt make the brush on touch up in pearl white, I was 
recommended to another source. (why? I dont know.. I dont even OWN a 
pearly white awdee). Nissan makes the EXACT color for the 300Zx, and they 
have touch up for it.  Also a chevy dealer has it for a model of vette 
that  was pearl white. But we wouldnt put chebby paint on our cars now, 
would we??

Ill do some tests tomorrow or friday on how much voltage drops across the 
output of the SS relays. I was told that its no more than .2v Volts, but  
Im curious.


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bob.damato@snetel.com 		 	          |Phone:203.771.7081
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300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
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