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Re: Dino juice

On Thu, 28 Sep 1995, Andrew Duane USG/PE wrote:

> Speaking of which, how in the !*@#^!*@^#*!@^# do you get that stupid
> aero-cover back on underneath engine in the 90Q20V? Changing the oil in
> my 100Q is easy: just slide underneath and do it. I have it down to the
> sub-3-minute mark. The 90Q needs to be jacked up, at least 250 nuts to
> undo the cover, no room to move, then how to get it back on. I actually
> pay someone else to change the oil in it.

No kidding! Its AWFUL! Plus on mine.. with the damn sport suspension, I 
cant even get a jack under it.. never mind ME! I have to drive up on 
bricks, then put the jack under it, then jack stands, then do the oil, 
and reverse. My mercedes takes about 2 minues, and I dont even have to 
get under the car... The 20V takes the better part of half an hour. 
Another reason I wanna change to synthetic. So I dont have to go through 
that BS in the winter.. I can wait till spring!! :)

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