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Strange noise

I have had this looked at by a Mechanic and he said it was nothing 
big.... It is really starting to annoy me. I have an 87 coupe GT and 
there is ticking sound coming from my car. I first thought it was low oil... I also heard it in the 
winter first.... well I checked the oil it was fine. The noise usually 
goes away after the car worms up but sometimes it isn't there at all, or 
it will not be there or go away and come back. It has been about 7 months 
and it just comes every now and then. any hints on what to check? The car 
runs great no problems just an annoying sound?

        /\    /--------------------------------------\    /\
       /  \  /             Kyle D. Ledford            \  /  \
      / ** \/       Kappa Kappa Psi, Zeta Omicron      \/ ** \
     /                 The University of Akron                \
   / Audi Coupe GT Special Build|r3kdl@dax.cc.uakron.edu        \
  /  Kicker, MB Quart, Autotek, |r3kdl@vm1.cc.uakron.edu         \
 /   Audio Control, Alpine      |"Caution Case Sensitive System"  \ 
 \     The Surrealistic Adventure that will become Your World     /