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Stumped on 4000q Troubles
- To: "quattro(a)coimbra.ans.net" <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
- Subject: Stumped on 4000q Troubles
- From: jmfease@mmm.com
- Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 12:26:21 -0500
- Priority: Urgent
- Sender: quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net
- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 (22)
- X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=MMM/ADMD=IBMMAIL/C=US/;0015100001382830000004]
- X400-Originator: jmfease@mmm.com
- X400-Recipients: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
*** Resending note of 09/29/95 11:39
From: Jim Fease
Maplewood, MN
Subject: Stumped on 4000q Troubles
EGAD! Think I had my name on that stupid note enough or what? Sorry, I'm
really not that arrogant! This mail system either doesn't send the right
header or doesn't send any or it truncates notes. I never know what to
include. Sorry :-(
'84 4KSQ - 160K Not pretty, but a gas to drive!
Keep the shiny side up...