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Re: Extrude Hone
On 24 Sep 95 at 23:42, PDQSHIP@aol.com wrote:
> It is basically silly putty with sand in it that is extruded thru your air
> tract (intake head exh turbos) and provides the "polishing" areas you can't
> touch with the manual method. It makes mirror finishes out of just about
> everything it pass over..... On and intake it provides torque and hp, and if
> you get the full treatment it defies logical explanation of the
> gains......... you can call em at Extrude Hone in Paramount CA....
There's some debate over whether polishing (ie Extrude Hone) is a
good thing on throttle body injected or carbureted intake manifolds.
The as-cast rough surface is thought to keep the fuel suspended in
the air better, for a more uniform mixture. On port fuel injected
cars, such as most recent Audis, this isn't a concern since only air
flows through the intake, with the fuel sprayed in directly above the
combustion chamber.
'85 Audi 5ks
'85 El Camino
member Teamsters local 486