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Re: Dino juice

Zafer Wrote:

>Mobil 1 is not dino juice. It is 100% synthetic oil base. 
>In fact, it was the first synthetic motor oil to hit the market. 
>I have the Technical Specification sheets on Mobil 1 
>(they'll send them free if you call Mobil).

The chemical composition of mobil one determines where or
not it is from fossil fuel base stock.  It is a poly akyl 
olefin.  olefins are what wax and oil are composed of.  
They have modifed it to a point to where they call it a
synthetic.  But the base stock is clearly from an oil well.

This is not true of Redline.  It never even gets close to
an oil rig.  Sematics?  I don't think so, and neither does
a turbocharger bearing at 400C and 100,000 rpms.

paul t-