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Hakka 10s & NRWs

  Greer at 414.545.2296 quoted:

  Hakka 10s in 195-65-15 $85.65 US including UPS ground
  NRWs         in 195-65-15 $92.50 US including UPS ground

  Greer suggest the 195-65-15 as the appropriate size to replace the
  205-60-15 typical on the 5Ks & Quattros. They also claim the Hakka 10 has
  a two-layer sidewall, is pretty stiff and would have no problem handling
  the weight of the 5KTQW and the NRWs would also be a good choice with
  slightly better wear and lower noise, though slightly less traction Vs
  the Hakkas on snow, but the NRW is H rated and would be better in the
  dry. Ah, life's little tradeoffs.....

  The number I recvd for Antonellis: 716.235.8600 is no good per the phone
