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Re[2]: Difference bet 4000 S & CS... WAS... What's the "CS"
Sender: quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net
*** Resending note of 10/05/95 10:08
From: Jim Fease
Maplewood, MN
Subject: Re: Difference bet 4000 S & CS... WAS... What's the "CS" for
From: vrona@ix.netcom.com (Steven Verona)
You that I wrote:
>>According to an ex-Audi Service manager, Audi never gave them a real
>>good explanation other than Sedan and Custom Sedan. The real difference
>>was trim. In '86 they changed it to CS from S.
>I have an 86 5000s... not a cs. What is up with that?!
I talked to an iduA tech yesterday and he confirmed that it really means
..um.. Commemorative Series and the S was Series.
Boy, do I feel like a dunce <:-I
As far as the CS Commemorative series, Ya got me. The difference was
trim being seat inserts and the 10 or 12 speaker (however you interpret
it) sound system.
I suppose it could mean Slow and Chicken Sh**, but I don't think so...
Saw an interesting sticker on a 5K CS in Madisosn, WI the other day:
Driver Has No Money
(He drives an Audi)
It is a take off on a license plate frame I've also seen:
Driver Has No Money
(He's married)
My mechanic friend suggests that 5000 CS Turbo really stands for
$5,000.000 Cash Spent To Undertake Repair (of) Broken Options
All kidding aside, since I bought my 5K CST in May, I've spent about
$1,700.00 in parts, title, taxes, S&H, and maintenance items such as
fluids and filters. Sice I paid $2,200.00 for the car, (104K miles)
I think I have the best $4,000.00 car I'll ever own.
I've accepted a new job, so will soon have to unsubscribe from this
group for a while. Thanks to all who helped me get acquainted with
Audi cars with advice and information, particularly Bob for making
this group happen, and Bill Murin for his help and encouragement.
Best regards
Jerry Fields
'87 5K CST, 3 cats who idle a lot, 2 kids, 1 dog, 3 snowmobiles, 2
motorcycles, various other motorized toys, a Ford van, a Toyota
Tercell (just turned 225K miles) and 1 wonderful wife.