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Info. on Franco Automatic Cam Gear

								06 OCT 95
								16:08 EDT

Hi Quattro/Audiphiles,

	Well, the tech stuff from George Franco arrived last night. There is
just too much data for me to list it all, but in synopis the best gains are
made in conjunctions with aftermarket cams, and most of the dyno charts he sent
are for VW GTI's and Jetta's with aftermarket exhausts and cams. Some of these
numbers were nice vs. the stock cam gear. There was one dyno chart for an '88
Audi 90 5cyl. stock exhaust and a Schrick 276 deg. X .400" lift cam. George
claims the stock exhaust negated gains at 5K and 6K rpm, but the rest of the
chassis dyno chart from APS, inc. in Anaheim, CA shows 2-7 HP gains over the
stock cam GEAR, not the stock cam which was not tested in this car. The biggest
gains were down low: 4HP@2K rpm, 4HP@3K rpm, 3HP@3.5K rpm, 7HP@4K rpm, 0HP@5k
rpm, 2HP@5.5K rpm, and 0HP@6k rpm. Remember this is with the Schrick cam, not
the stock cam.

	He also included a testimonial from the "Canadian Volkswagen
Enthusiasts Association". They tested his automatic cam gear on a '87 VW Golf
GTI with stock cam+gear, stock cam+auto. gear, aftermarket cam (276 degs. w/
.430" lift)+stock gear, and aftermarket cam+auto. gear. They tested 0-60mph,
1/4 mi.ET and 1/4 mi. speed. The combination of the aftermarket and the auto.
gear were significant vs. the aftermarket cam and stock gear 9.8 vs. 11.4 sec.
0-60mph, 17.3 vs. 18.9 sec. 1/4 mi.ET and 87 vs. 71mph 1/4 mi. speed.

	George lists amongst his references two Audi owners, the rest are GTI
guys. The Audi folks are: Mark Weiner, Audi 10V motor, work tele.: 303-294-7650
home tele.: 303-320-4975; and Mike Goliwas, '83 Audi Turbo Quattro w/ ABT cam
and KKK turbo, home tele.:412-882-3017. Mike says in reference sheet:"Cam gear
works great! Turbo lag is gone and there is more top end power".

	Referring back to the 1st paragraph in the info on the '88 Audi 90
5cyl. Mr. Franco has hand written: "The gain may look small but it is all the
way up the power curve. It can reduce 0-60 mph acceleration times by 1 to 2
seconds". So he writes.

	Reading the data it appears to be a well made product. At present it is
not for me in that there are other things I can do to my turbocharged motor,
and it does require removal for cleaning and lubing every six months. But some
of you may find it a worthwhile addition to your motor, especially you normally
aspirated car owners. If anybody calls any of the references I'd be interested
to hear what they have to say about the Franco Automatic Cam Gear. His address
if you missed it from my previous posting on this subject is:

			Franco Industries
			George Franco (owner)
			6693 Alcala Knolls Dr.
			San Diego, CA 92111

The usual disclaimers apply: I've never met George and stand to gain nothing
from this. I hope this helps some of you.

			Happy motoring, and have a happy Columbus Day weekend,


 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-792-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
 T                                                                            A
 T           When the weather says: "WHOA!" Quattro says: "GO!!"              T
 O                                                                            T