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Re: Info. on Franco Automatic Cam Gear

>         Referring back to the 1st paragraph in the info on the '88 Audi 90
> 5cyl. Mr. Franco has hand written: "The gain may look small but it is all
> the way up the power curve. It can reduce 0-60 mph acceleration times by
> 1 to 2 seconds". So he writes.

Hey, wait a minute ... doesn't the 90 have a Motronic setup that takes its
ignition timing reference from a pin on the flywheel and not from the cam?
If so, that would explain why this thing seems to work great on some 5-cyl
cars but not at all on others, including (I suspect) my '87 5k.  I guess I
will have to borrow mine back from a friend (I bought it way back when for
$350 and used it for a while on my '85 4k before I started autocrossing it
in HS) and see for myself!  Mind you, I'm not holding my breath... 

                /| | | |\  |   |\  | | |\  |  AudiDudi@delphi.com
               /-| | | | | | = | | | | | | |  Jeffrey Goggin
              /  | |_| |/  |   |/  |_| |/  |  Scottsdale, Arizona