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Re: BE CAREFUL!, getting even?
> As far as "returning the favor", I have always heard that adding some
> sugar to the fuel tank "helps". I have never tried it, but heard that it
> works "wonders!"
Nope, this doesn't work (at least in small quantities). Better yet, cut up
a fairly heavy piece of plastic (strips about 2" x 10" by 3 or 4 mil thick)
and stuff them into the gas tank ... they'll "float" in the tank until they
are eventually sucked against the fuel pickup and cut off fuel flow. A few
minutes after the car coughs and sputters to a stop, they'll float away and
uncover the pickup and the car will run fine again ... this will wreak hell
upon a mechanic trying to diagnose the problem and eventually requires that
the tank be pulled to clean it out. I know ... it was done to me once by a
body shop after I complained several times about the timeliness and quality
of the work they were doing!
...and of course, there's always that favorite standby: the "racing stripe"
made from Elmer's glue and toilet paper (I had THIS done to me once as well
-- I lived in a rough neighborhood at that time -- but it came off with hot
water and a bit of elbow grease and didn't leave any permanent damage!).
/| | | |\ | |\ | | |\ | AudiDudi@delphi.com
/-| | | | | | = | | | | | | | Jeffrey Goggin
/ | |_| |/ | |/ |_| |/ | Scottsdale, Arizona