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A8 everywhere but US?

Just got back from a business trip to southeast Asia and although I
didn't see an A8 on the road, the local magazines all had ads for
this car. My local dealer looked at me like I was out of my head when
I asked him about the possibility of the A8 coming to the US. Any
clues on whether Audi will import these cars? What I saw in the ad
indicated that it had a 4.2 litre motor (I assume that means V8). It looked
really sharp in silver and it also appeared that all had the quattro

Of other interest was the numerous Audi 100's in Beijing. But then
the local people we were working with indicated that there is a plant
located near Beijing and one can actually find "knock-off" Audi's on
the road. Gee, I wonder what's under the sheet metal.

Bob "looking-for-clues-on-the-A8" Kunz