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Window Switch - More?
>From (Peter Schulz) -
> Finally disassembled the switch. I replaced the burned-out LED with a replace-
> ment "T1" LED from Radio Shlack. Made the obvious mistake of soldering
> the LED's anode to the resistor in the switch. Re-assembled the switch, reinstalled
> the cluster and armrest. Fired up the car and...the LEDs did not illuminate.
> urrghgh!
> dis-assembled everything, looked at the LED, tested same. Looked at Bentley.
So - Peter - where did you solder the LED the SECOND time? This may
be obvious with the switch apart, but it's not clear to me from your
I'm loking at this too, and can use the specifics. Thanks!!
> Electrical Engineer question of the day:
> Why did Audi put a resistor AFTER the LED (attached to the Cathode) in the
> circuit. Doesn't before the resistor (current limiting) make more sense???
> Is that why these LEDs burn out at such an apparently high rate???
********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) **********
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