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vendors on the list


No need for an uproar.  I share your feelings about vendors and will
try hard to keep sales pitches off the list.  I thought the Amsoil
post was done in good taste (not too far off from what some other
list members have posted in the past...) and as long as I don't see
it again, I'm ok with it.  I would actually like to have some
vendors on the list for technical discussions (how about Ned
Ritchie for starters?)  But I agree that ads don't belong here.

Your humble listmeister (soon to be the owner of a red 84 4000sq)

| Dan |  
Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS 				http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)