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Blower fan replacement

    I saw a few references to the bblower fan replacement in the
    quatro list archives.  I thought I would at least mention what I did,
    a real shortcut to the dash method:

    I perfored a surgery to remove the defective motor.  I cut a square
    hole out of the top of the plastic housing and removed it vertically
    out the hole.  After that, I got a replacement from a junk yard
    (about $10) and plugged it in, and dropped it back into place.
    I fiberglassed the whole shut again and called it good.  It works
    just great, until my climate control head died a few weeks ago. :)


I remember Ned Bennett ( or Mr. Ned Bennett to those who remember 
) posted a procedure to save a lot of time on the blower 
replacement by just opening the top two acessible screws and
snapping off the lowest one. He commented it would only take
half an hour on a good day.

Alan Cordeiro