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Re: Exhaust noise

On Wed, 11 Oct 1995, Richard Funnell wrote:

> Q'rs,
> Has anyone on the list tried wrapping sound insulation around the exhaust
> pipe, or clamping stuff to it to make it less resonant?  Alternatively,
> does anyone have any experience with aftermarket sound insulating kits?  I
> recall reading about a kit from Sco???? in the same issue of EC that
> featured the urQ.  Any experience?

Yes, I had the same problem when I put in the duals on the 4000q. I didnt 
have much room in the rear, and the tank (muffler) hung pretty low. I 
raised it up and used the donut hangers as mountings and solid mounted it 
to the body. (Just mounted it tight to it) WAS IT LOUD!!!! So I took it 
down again, used a kevlar fabric wrap and wrapped it a few times and 
remounted it. It was nice and quiet after that.


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