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Re: '95 A6's CD Player
o Welcome to the wonderful world of Audi gremlins, the phrase "could not
o duplicate" will ring in your ears until your car finally decides to be nice
o to you. Over the years I've had various weird goings on with my '86 4kcsq
o which usually pop up and then go away, nothing extreme. During the first
o year the gremlins were particularly mischevious, but they settled down. One
o of their first greetings to me was causing my gauges to go completely out...
o twice, dealer "could not duplicate", problem never happened again...ever.
o So, sorry no help for your cd problem. But, maybe a help in making friends
o with your newly acquired gremlin buddies. You also know that cars can sense
o when you're bringing them to the dealer, it's amazing how it cures itself.
o If it happens again, try to fool the car and go immediately to the dealer
o (ouch, I hate to say that word).
o -Kelly
What he said! I've been having recurrent but intermittent problems with
my speedometer. I don't wanna go into details here, but I made several
trips to my fiendly (sic) dealer (60 miles - one way) only to have the
problem temporarily cure itself less than a mile from the dealer's
location. :-) Of course, it reappears on the way back home.
The car KNOWS. :-(
| Robert L. (Bob) Myers <rmyers@olie.wvitcoe.wvnet.edu> |
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