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Re: What is this costing me? Best/cheapest way

Fellow Audiphiles:

I wish to thank all of you who responded to me, the "Newbie", regarding how
to download all this mail so that I could read it at my leisure off-line. I
am currently using flashsessions on AOL to do it, and it works beautifully.
Just what I was looking for. I will continue to look for alternatives, as
many of you suggested. 

Thanks for helping me out on this issue, especially considering it was a
non-Audi issue.
(You all could have told me to go to the AOL support group, and bother them.
Or go to the library, and search forever for the answer. Or......)

My learning experience continues.........

Thanks again. 

                      "A ccelerate U nless D eath is I mminent"

Jim Griffin --- jgriffj@aol.com
 92 100S