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Re: '84Audi5000t/200t Powerwindows & AC blower
In a message dated 95-10-16 21:59:49 EDT, you write:
>My cooling system gets too hot all the time and brings the fan into
>cooling pretty often and thereby drains the battery to the point that lights
>start to go dim and off, the radio volume goes down, and in the end the
>ignition system gets very unhappy. (Not a fun experience when you are stuck
>in traffic and people start turning their heads)
>Don't tell me that I need a new thermostad or flush the system. I changed
>thermostat and flushed the system but it made no difference at all. The
>mysterious part about it that I think that the fanthermoswith works most of
>time ok. The low speed COOLING FAN is normally engaged (on/off) in the
>beginning of a trip but a certain point either the fan doesn't run or the
>high speed fan runs and very rarely the high speed fan engages and switches
>to low speed after 10-20sec.
>I anyone has had a similar experience please tell me.
Well, I had a similar experience with a car (non-Audi) that was constantly
running very hot. I too tried thermostats, flushes, etc... ; so what was the
problem? The radiator was clogged beyond belief! All those little cooling
passages got gunked up beyond repair (kind of like what your arteries would
look like after eating 3 donuts a day for your whole life). The cure? I had
the radiator re-cored. Voila! No more running hot. And this car had about
115k miles on it (and it probably should have been done at 80k!)
So, I think you said you had 200k or more miles on your car. Have you ever
replaced the radiator? If so, when? If a long time ago, re-consider doing it
again. It might just be your answer.
Good luck.
Jim Griffin
92 100S
"A ccelerate U nless D eath is I mminent