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Re: Fri 13th!! :P and question -LONG
Once I got home I discovered that my right front turn signal was
burned out... ok, no biggy... just popped a new one in and I was
set! (or so I thought)... Recently my left front (go figure)
blinker has decided to blink very rapidly (sometimes) for no
apparent reason. Hmmm... the bulb is fine, I switched it just to
be sure -as well as the fuse. It still does it!! Not all of the
time, but just once in a while... it's getting on my nerves about
now. hahaha.. Anyone had the same problem?? Any ideas??
Hmmm.... to I hear the gods chanting in the distance? ;)
Graci for your help, and I hope you enjoyed the curse of the 13th!
'87 4kcsq (that wants to make FAST left turns!) ;)
Your problem is still related to the right front turn signal. I
suspect that the right front turn signal is intermittent and is
causing occasional rapid blinking from the left one.
Apparently, these turn signal timing circuits are load-dependent
and frequency goes up when one turn signal bulb fails.
Ljubisa Stevanovic (stevanov@crd.ge.com)