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Re: Plug shields/long cranking/rough idle...
Plug shields...
I believe that those plug shields are part of the radio noise
suppression system. Not quite sure how effective they are. On my
4000q there was a shield around the distributor cap also.
Long cranking times....
Both my 4000q and 200tq20v light off after just a second or two of
cranking. On rare occasions, the 4000q will require a 4 or 5 second
crank, especially if it has been sitting a while.
Rough idle...
My '84 4000q has been suffering from a bit of a rough idle lately. It
occurs when the car is fully warmed up and has been idling for more
than about 30 seconds or so. Listening at the tailpipe, it sounds
like a bit of a miss. Off idle it runs fine, with no hint of a miss.
I've checked for vacuum leaks and can't see anything wrong there. It
probably needs a new cap and rotor, but I think that would affect high
speed operation more. The O2 sensor has been in there quite a
What is the list.wisdom?
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John A. Mallick WA1HNL E-mail: mallick@crd.ge.com
GE Corporate Research and Development Phone: (518)-387-7667 (W)
Schenectady, NY 12301 FAX: (518)-387-7592 (W)
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