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Re: Fri 13th!! :P and question -LONG

On 17 Oct 95 at 17:32, Darin Nederhoff wrote:

> Once I got home I discovered that my right front turn signal was
> burned out... ok, no biggy... just popped a new one in and I was
> set! (or so I thought)...   Recently my left front (go figure)
> blinker has decided to blink very rapidly (sometimes) for no
> apparent reason.  Hmmm... the bulb is fine, I switched it just to
> be sure -as well as the fuse.  It still does it!!  Not all of the
> time, but just once in a while... it's getting on my nerves about
> now.  hahaha..   Anyone had the same problem??  Any ideas?? 
> Hmmm....  to I hear the gods chanting in the distance?  ;)

This is almost exactly what I'm experiencing on my '85 5ks.  It 
started with a burnt out right front turn signal bulb (though I'm not 
at all sure this has anything to do with everything else; probably 
just coincidental).  Most of the time the turn signals are fine.  
Every now and then (usually when it rains) one turn signal will flash 
much more quickly than usual.  At those times, one of the two front 
turn signals on the flashing side lights so dimly that you can only 
see it flashing when you remove it from its lens.  Because this 
usually coincides with wet weather, I'm convinced that there's a bad 
wire somewhere in the turn signal circuit.  I haven't tried tracking 
it down yet, but maybe I've helped you narrow your search for the 
   '85 Audi 5ks
   '85 El Camino
    member Teamsters local 486